Summary and Analysis Chapter 8 – The Elf-Child and the Minister

Summary The group of men approaching Hester and Pearl include Governor Bellingham, the Reverend John Wilson, the Reverend Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingworth, who, since the story’s opening, has been living in Boston as Dimmesdale’s friend and personal physician. The governor, shocked at Pearl’s vain and immodest costume, challenges Hester’s fitness […]

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Summary and Analysis The Custom-House – Introductory

Summary Hawthorne begins The Scarlet Letter with a long introductory essay that generally functions as a preface but, more specifically, accomplishes four significant goals: outlines autobiographical information about the author, describes the conflict between the artistic impulse and the commercial environment, defines the romance novel (which Hawthorne is credited with […]

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Character List

Hester Prynne A young woman sent to the colonies by her husband, who plans to join her later but is presumed lost at sea. She is a symbol of the acknowledged sinner; one whose transgression has been identified and who makes appropriate, socio-religious atonement. Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale Dimmesdale is the […]

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